I was sent this photo from a friend in Boerne, TX (outside of San Antonio).
He was sickened by it, and wrote the message below to all of us and to the local paper.
Have you seen signs like this? Upload them and tell your story. I can't figure out whether it is the next uprising, stupid kids who can't even draw a Swastika correctly, or a bit of both.
Saturday night, a large Obama/Biden sign at the corner of FM 1376 and Walnut Grove was vandalized. The vandals spray painted a swastika on the sign.
more after the jump...
Apparently, there are folks in this county who see Barack Obama as a threat to White Power. I assume the vandals were young people with nothing better to do who were raised to believe that having dark skin or a funny name makes you less human that those of us with less melanin in our skin. I have heard a number of stories of Obama signs being stolen or defaced in this county. The McCain campaign, as it flails about trying to find a strategy that resonates with middle America, has recently been stoking the fires of racial division, appealing to the darker side of the electorate. There are places in this country where these messages find a sympathetic audience, where people persist in the belief that the opening words of the United States Constitution are "We the White People ...." There is a minority in this country who believe that only people who are white and speak English can be the Elect in the eyes of the State and even Higher Authority. It is sad to think that Kendall County is a place where such views persist. It is even sadder to think that some Kendall County youth consider it an amusement to spray paint the swastika, the ultimate symbol of human evil and racial genocide, on signs that suggest that someone other than a White Anglo-Saxon might be a good leader of this country. As this historic election approaches, those of us who are parents might want to sit down with our kids and make sure that they understand that the promise of this nation, and the love of God, are not contingent on skin color or ethnicity.